
Day 24

Aries: Who is it that you see in these horoscope entries? Yourself? People you know? No-one in particular but you kinda see where it's coming from? Or is it all silly nonsense that you shouldn't really bother reading, but you just can't help yourself?

Taurus: When the alcohol hits you at the table there really is no telling what you will bid. This is a time to make simple, practical bids and not get all complicated. You won't win the post mortem in any event. In fact, I can see a jump to 3NT coming in right now.

Gemini: There are times when the silence is deafening. One of those times will be just after you explain to your team-mates why you bid 6S on Wednesday.

Cancer: It will be difficult to tell who the dangerous opponent is during Friday's game. Does the spade lead suggest that length lies with left hand opponent and this player must not be allowed to develop and cash his suit? Can your right hand opponent lead a heart though your doubleton king and kill the contract? Is partner going to start to play properly or will she remain your centre hand opponent?

Leo: Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? Although this is your response to losing the match on Saturday, it really is an over-reaction. Losing at bridge is not comparable to suffering a painful death nailed to a two by four.

Virgo: Little by little things are going your way at the moment. The handsome lad in accounts is starting to take notice of you. Your (very cute!) tennis coach seemed to flirt with you after Tuesday's session. And that tiresome bore of a bridge partner managed to remember that over (2H)-X-(P)-?, a new suit at the three level is forcing. So the quandary: given the choice, which of the three would you spend the most time with next week?

Libra: You will decide to use the internet to research how best to defend against a one no-trump opening. The result of this is that you become convinced that you should switch to playing a 10-12 no-trump opening when non-vulnerable.

Scorpio: "I've never known Brian to be cruel." Laughs all round. You really wish that you knew who or what this Brian was so you could take part in the banter at the bar — Bridge is such a cliquey game with so many in-jokes and things to learn! You guess Brian is the name the club gave to the Duplimate machine and that this comment was intended as sarcasm.

Sagittarius: On Wednesday your opponents will accuse you of psyching and call the director. At least that will be how it will appear from the point of view of your opponents. From your point of view, your opponents will be pointing out the obvious and telling the director, and everyone else in ear shot, that your bridge rules!

Capricorn: On the first board of Friday night's bridge drive you will get too high in the auction. As the auction in question will be 1S all pass, you chalk this one down to opening those marginal 15 counts.

Aquarius: Your poor playing of a 4S contract will lose you the match on Tuesday and keep you awake most of the night. Fortunately, your wife understands you and won't be overly annoyed. After all, the previous five matches you lost were down to her terrible play. Funny — she seems to sleep just fine after losing games.

Pisces: You will have a balancing decision to make on Thursday, and it's a real toughie. If only there was a bidding panel filled with experts from around the world to tell you what to do! But would you go for the majority vote, or go with your favourite author? And would partner understand the high minded reasoning that only an expert can come up with?