
Day 15

Aries: Patience is a virtue, and it is never more so than when you are dealt a 24 count with left-hand opponent due to open the bidding.

Taurus: How can some things feel so right and yet be so wrong? That is the main thrust of your thinking as the 3NT contract, based on those lovely cashing clubs, loses the first seven tricks. The answer is the lack of a heart stop, obviously.

Gemini: The first hand on a Monday night will have a religious theme in so far as it will make you call out the Lord's name, all be it in vain.

Cancer: Your stance on not re-shuffling passed out deals reaps dividends on Wednesday when the director rules that, as the board had already been played three times, your opponents were entirely at fault for fouling the hand.

Leo: When partner makes a takeout double of a preemptive 3H opening, it is not a good idea to simply bid 3S with a 12 count and four cards in spades. I think you should trust me (or the stars if you prefer) on this one and bid 4S directly with this type of hand.

Virgo: Note that the pair in the corner claim they play Acol: they play a 15-17 No-Trump, 5 card majors, weak two openings in spades, hearts and diamonds and 2/1 strength as about 11+ points. Or Standard American as it's usually called.

Libra: Monday will be a good day for cashing tricks from the top when you are missing the queen and have a nine card fit. However, taking a finesse when missing the queen but holding eight cards in the suit will be more likely to succeed. Where would you be without your horoscope to tell you these things?

Scorpio: You are the sort of person who would rather be right than win. Your opponents on Tuesday will be the sort of players who would rather win than be right. I fear for your partner: he is destined to be neither right, nor a winner.

Sagittarius: In the peace and quiet of a slow Sunday afternoon you will be woken from your slumber with the realisation that it is your lead and you can't remember the auction. Now for the tough decision — do you ask for a recap of the auction after this huge pause, or do you simply lead a card and hope for the best?

Capricorn: The best thing about a game of social bridge, you realise, is that no on takes things too seriously. This gives you a great opportunity to concentrate and win the game! You also start to realise that not everyone fails to take social bridge seriously.

Aquarius: After reading an American book on bidding, you decide to take up playing five card majors and a 15-17 1NT opening. After a couple of misunderstandings with partner in the first evening playing it together you have a change of heart and revert back to Acol. It's not the end point but the journey that matters, so this will be an important week in your bridge playing career.

Pisces: Those pesky students will preempt you out of bidding your heart game on Wednesday, and their 2S opening will be based on a five card suit! To add insult to injury, the director will rule that this is perfectly legal. You suspect that they must be studying law to find these dastardly loopholes in the rules.