
Day 12

Aries: There is no point in getting even with partner. Sure, he didn't lead your suit, but that doesn't mean that you should get your own back at him by not leading his suit on the next board.

Taurus: Everyone else that you know will win a trophy next year, but you will be left winning nothing. Try to spend the year playing bridge "just for fun" — otherwise it'll be depressing.

Gemini: Above all, love your partner, for love covers a multitude of sins. It doesn't, however, cover leading the DJ when I have bid hearts and all you have to do is put your heart on the table to take the slam off.

Cancer: Third before the handicap, second after the handicap — it's a pity there isn't another add-on to push you up one more place! Yes that's right, the club secretary really should have 3% added on for all the work he does, but life just isn't fair.

Leo: Pick up partners are not to be trusted. Usually they can't follow suit and are available because no one else will play with them. Occasionally, they are smart ass junior experts who humiliate you with their explanations of why your bidding system "sucks". You don't really want to play with either, but on Wednesday will choose the smart-ass...and hate yourself for it.

Virgo: This week you will be irritated by the fact that no one ever asks you for a game, you know, out of the blue. On Thursday you will feel a sense of irony as you are asked to play by a near novice and have to make up your excuses.

Libra: For better results, why not try giving your partner credit for being more than "a brain dead cretin, who couldn't outplay a blind monkey". For increased partnership confidence, at least, try to avoid making comments like these when she is standing right behind you.

Scorpio: Your thoughts on things, and the ideas of partner, just aren't on the same plane — and this goes further than attitude vs. count signals. It may be tempting to draw a mutually perpendicular line from the two planes that you and your partner are on, using a vector cross product, but this should be resisted. Your search must be to find a line of intersection of those planes, and then proceed on a tangent from there, together.

Sagittarius: The balance of power in your top partnership is off-centre, and it's about to correct itself. Watch out on Tuesday night where a chain of events is set into motion, culminating with your partner's uncharacteristic profanity-laden outburst. From here on in, I'm afraid you'll either have to give up your pet big club system, or more people will find out about exactly what happened in Brighton last year.

Capricorn: It's time for you to try a fresh approach: Throw your old methods out the window. Work backwards. Use reverse everything, and let go of your expectations — just not caring quite so much. Once you have your new, fresh approach, be happy in the realisation that everything you've done for the last ten years has been a waste of time and take a stiff drink.

Aquarius: Today I'm supposed to comment on your bridge game but my mother always told me that if I haven't got something nice to say, I shouldn't say anything at all.

Pisces: So your plans fall through and you're in a bit of a sulk. This is the time to go out and take on the world. Exploit the power that your star sign has at this point of the year and laugh in the face of adversity. Psyche about five times in the evening session and see the power that randomisation can have.