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2007 Articles
22/07/2007Poorbridge.com has gone on hiatusSorry, no new articles at the moment. But we'll be back. Possibly better than ever — more likely just the same as always.09/07/2007Going One Step BetterMichael gets outdone by Steve, which certainly makes a change! There's also a substantial geek alert in this week's article.
02/07/2007Worst Balance Ever?One of many PBOTW articles to be described as 'short and sweet'. This one's from Jeff Ford.
25/06/2007Or Is This The Luckiest Hand?Ian Mitchell tries to outdo John Erdos from two weeks ago.
18/06/2007Poorbridge WarsWe made it! A century of articles! Now, like Alastair Cook, we'll go out soon.
11/06/2007Is this the Luckiest Hand of the Century?Mathmos will start to drool as we feature an article from a real mathematician called Dr Erdos.
04/06/2007Entertainment for the DirectorAng Shen Ting has a good laugh at some school-kids, and gives us the chance to have a good laugh at them too. Nothing like nurturing the next generation, eh!
28/05/2007Adventures with the NymphJohn Probst gets satyrical.
21/05/2007My worst trump fit everSurely partner passing an obvious cue bid isn't good? No, you're kidding me.
14/05/2007Trying not to qualifyMichael's computer is screwed so control passes over to me, Steve. If you don't want to see any more of my poor articles then you had better get sending me some poorbridge and quick! That especially applies to my partners...
07/05/2007Thirty-four ****** per-centWe have been spoiling you lately — a massive article from Nick Smith to delight you all.
30/04/2007A Poorbridge Correspondent's Fortnight, Part TwoContinuing yesterday's story.
29/04/2007A Poorbridge Correspondent's Fortnight, Part OneWhat have I been up to for this article to be so late? Find out here.
17/04/2007Getting RogeredPaddy Bowen with a short monograph on bridge bidding.
09/04/2007The GS-890Phil Smith unveils a new bridge playing machine!
02/04/2007Getting to the SlamCharlie Baylis shares a couple of ridiculous auctions to a great slam. Charlie is yet another new author!
26/03/2007The Curse of Scotland Strikes AgainFirst timer Paul Holmes, with a hand from the recent NABC.
23/03/2007A Short SnippetJust something to whet your appetite until I get a real article together
12/03/2007Was Moyse too conservative?John Våge is back, this time with some super-Moysians.
05/03/2007Rancorous Coiffeured Old SowSarah Teshome is very much at home with all the aging, brilliantined stick insects who vent their bridge frustrations on these pages!
26/02/2007Citizen SmithMichael Ware with hand from down under. Power to the people!
19/02/2007The Man Who Liked to Bid 2NTI was cleaning out my inbox today and found this lurking there, unused. Sorry Chris!
12/02/2007Six is the Magic NumberAdam Dickinson, who wrote this site's first ever PBOTW, is back with more filth to share.
05/02/2007Tales From The First DivisionNick Doe with an 'and for yous'll.
29/01/2007The Life of a French ExpertDwayne Hoffman shows us a couple of hands from the world of the wide web.
22/01/2007Barrie's Poorbridge Stories IVBarrie's fourth and final installment. For now, any way.
15/01/2007Poor Card CombinationsJoe Mela presents three card combinations that weren't quite played to best effect.
08/01/2007A Smattering of Online NonsenseA new author for the new year. Eric Rubinstein finds poorbridge on the internet. An easy target, to be sure, but we do like a taste of it now and again don't we folks!
01/01/2007Barrie's Poorbridge Stories IIIThe first Poor Bridge of the New Year and the third volume of Barrie Partridge's series of short tales.