Poor Bridge of the Week
Worst Balance Ever?
By Jeff Ford
SQ 10 7 6 2
HQ 3
DA 8 3
C10 7 5

Playing precision with undisciplined weak twos and light openings, I managed to refrain from speaking. The auction continued 3H on my left passed around to me. Now obviously a suit that isn't worth bidding at the one level or the two level improves immensely with the opportunity to show it at the three level, so I balanced with 3S. Somehow this passed out and I got the following dummy:

S8 5 4
HA 2
DK 9 7 4 2
CK 6 3
SQ 10 7 6 2
HQ 3
DA 8 3
C10 7 5

A club lead ducked in dummy was won by the Jack. On the CA the preemptor pitched a diamond, and then ruffed a third club with the SJ. I won the diamond return in dummy and played trump, the preemptor winning the King. Another diamond, both following won by my Ace and I knocked out the last trump, then pitched my heart on the now set-up diamonds.

Since the opponents failed to:

A) double 3S,
B) take a heart trick,
C) take a diamond trick, or
D) bid and make 4H,

-100 was a pretty good score.