The Collected Works of John Våge
12/03/2007Was Moyse too conservative?John Våge is back, this time with some super-Moysians.
18/09/2006World Champion Poor BridgeJohn Våge presents three hands from World Youth Championships. Man we spoil you lot!
27/03/2006MasterbiddingOur favourite Norwegian correspondent, John Våge, with some super-clever bidding and some super-poor slams.
20/02/2006Poor Bridge with Geir Helgemo, Part IIThe Second of John Våge's hands featuring Helgemo.
13/02/2006Poor Bridge with Geir Helgemo, Part IJohn Våge with the first of two rare specimens — Poor Bridge from one of the World's best players.
09/01/2006Playing Above One's StationJohn Våge shows us a masterful defence, but was it intentional?
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