Poor Bridge of the Week
Aces Are For Killing Kings
By Tim Prior

As loyal chroniclers of Poor Bridge, we find that certain bridge clubs come across our radar a little more often than others. These clubs, not the weakest by any means for we would not go twice to the really bad clubs, seem to have flaws that provide a perfect breeding ground for Poor Bridge. This week's hand was played at a club which has featured on PBOTW before, the previous article actually drawing a complaint from one of its senior players. All we can say at poorbridge.com is: keep up the good work!

S7 3
HA 8 6 4 2
DQ 9 4 3
CJ 2
S10 8
HQ 10 7 3
DK 10 2
CQ 10 5 4
SA J 6 5
HK 9 5
DA J 7 5
C7 6
SK Q 9 4 2
D8 6
CA K 9 8 3

East was dealer and at game all had the obligatory weak NT on the table. South overcalled with 2S which ended the auction. (astute readers will note that West has a 2D, but the preemptive effect of 2S prevents him from bidding)

So on with the play. West selected a small diamond and declarer played DQ, covered by the ace. A second round of diamonds went to the D10 and when DK was continued, declarer ruffed low.

Now declarer played HJ—HQ—HA—H5 to gain access to dummy. A small spade went to SQ and S8. Declarer next played CA and CK to which all followed. And then a small club which he ruffed on table with the S7. This was overruffed with SJ. East cashed HK and declarer pitched a club, kindly rectifying the count for what was to follow.

On the heart continuation declarer ruffed low in hand and played his reminaing club at this position:

H8 6
SA 5
SK 9

The small club forced the CQ and East considered the position and found the only play to put declarer in trouble. He ruffed the winning CQ and advanced DJ. Without thought declarer ruffed with S9 and was overruffed.

H10 was led and trick 13 was completed by a small heart, SA and declarer was forced to underruff the ace of trumps with his king for two off.

They say that aces are for killing kings.

This is absurd declarer play — but I wondered whether any of you have ever seen this before: an underruff by declarer with the trump king at trick 13.

N.B. We treat all complaints with the utmost seriousness: if you have any dissatisfaction with the content of an article, send an email to and he'll look into it.