They say that it isn't healthy to bottle up your frustrations; you should release them and feel mentally better for it. When a battle-weary soldier goes slowly out of his mind from all the horrors he's witnessed, he might go to see a therapist. Likewise, when Chris Cooper (formerly of Oxford University and now toiling in the Berks and Bucks leagues) felt he'd witnessed so much poor bridge that his own sanity was at stake who could he come to but Enjoy these four hands, knowing that Chris is now well on the way to recovery.
1. 6-5: Take a Dive
The bidding goes:
West | North | East | South |
3 | 3NT | Pass | ?? |
Do you
a) let partner decide which major to play in and let him play in it by cueing 4
— heck, there might even be slam on.
b) pick a major and bid game in it — not great but still ok most of the time and suitable for those of hoggish tendencies. Or
c) let partner play in 3NT losing you the match and most of your dignity? Is this one of the worst passes ever seen? Declarer held:
He made three aces, two kings and a queen. I must confess that it was rude of me to have seven clubs and
Q x x — I'm sure they'd have been chuckling if the hearts were 2-2.
2. A Certain Duke Would Approve.
What does the 5
bidder have here?
West | North | East | South |
1 | 1 | Pass | Pass |
X | 2 | Pass | 3 |
Pass | 4 | 5 | X |
AP | | | |
Some shapely hand with few points, lots of diamonds and short spades? No. Try:
The 4-1 trump split, trump lead and generally merciless defence was enough to pick up +1400 — strangely not for all the matchpoints. Someone found 3NTXX up a couple.
3. Third Hand High?
Partner, West, leads a small diamond against 2
What card do you play to trick one as East? Is this even hard?
Let's just say that an anonymous England Under 25 international from Bristol
[Hmm, who could this be? —Ed] found the 10. Declarer, with Jxx opposite xxx, looked a little surprised when the Jack took the first trick. Red faces all around when the Ace and Queen appeared on the second round of diamonds, though this was scant consolation as the contract was still one off and a bottom for our heros.
4. We Don't Double Making Contracts
Can this auction ever exist?
West | North | East | South |
11 | 1 | Pass2 | Pass |
X | Pass | Pass3 | 14 |
Pass | Pass | Pass5 | |
Notes |
(1) | Strong |
(2) | either 0-4 or penalty double of diamonds |
(3) | looks like a penalty double of diamonds then |
(4) | Help |
(5) | after some thought |
So the opponents have opened a strong club and you're allowed to play in 1
and then allowed to make it. Is that even feasible? A 19 count opposite a 5 count with 6 diamonds, scoring -80 — not the finest ever seen.