Poor Bridge of the Week
Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right
By Michael Clark

This hand came up in the Easter Festival Swiss Teams. Luke Porter was the Captain, I was the Bosun, Phil Smith was the Chef and Steve Hurst was the Cabin Boy. Apparently, one of a bosun's duties is to summon the men together with a whistle, so sorry guys for failing to do my job.

Before I show you the layout, I'll show you how the bidding went at both of our tables.



Me and Steve sat E/W in the first auction which looks fairly reasonable. North has a good hand with spades and South thinks he's worth a slam, going for the safer no-trump contract. I double, which asks for a spade lead.

On the Captain's table, the auction looks a whole lot different - could this really be the same hand? Things start off ok, but then West bids spades himself and his partner supports! Luke eventually passes Phil's takeout double.

Ok then, let's see what was going on and how it worked out.

SQ 9 7 6 4 2
D8 5
C10 9 8 3
SJ 10
HJ 5 4 2
DJ 9 7 6
CJ 7 6
SA K 5
HK 7 6
D10 4 3 2
CK Q 2
S8 3
HA Q 10 9 8
CA 5 4

The jump to 4S by North on our table is a little bit frisky to say the least - does he have no respect for his partner at all? South's 6NT is fairly pushy too, given that his partner failed to open with a weak two. After a restrained pass over 4S I have the world's easiest double which has the added advantage of getting Steve to lead the SJ thus giving us three tricks in that suit. We end up taking the contract 5 off for +1100.

Across the room it turned out that West (surprise, surprise) had psyched his 1S bid hoping to get back to diamonds later on. Unfortunately he hadn't reckoned on Phil making a second takeout double and Luke passing it for penalties behind the psycher who then could never run away. This great 5 card fit generated just 5 tricks so that was another +500 to Team Muppet and 17 IMPs in.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but they do make good Poor Bridge!