Joey pants after  completing the mile;          four      minutes       once       again.
 Joey acts.      Nobody greater.          Hearts soar.          Men weep. Awards certain.
  Joey         garners       some      firewood.        The orphans will be warm tonight.
   Joey         fights  for liberty,  and   gives  the  terrorists        a       fright.
                 Joey  cooks a meal;    new   recipe; the flavour's      heaven     sent.
Joey would win  but          doesn't want to  stand   for   President.
 Joey  takes   to     bed    ten  beautiful women.      Needs sixteen more.
  Joey       trousers   corporate money, and  gives   it   to   the   poor.
   Joey      counters  corruption, crime, race hatred and  the credit mess.
Joey Pants each day wakes up,                 basking in his  splendidness.